Clinical Advisor
Dr. Tracey Vogel is a practicing OB anesthesiologist, trained sexual assault counselor, and the creator and Director of the Perinatal Trauma-informed Care Clinic in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She received her MD degree from the University of Pittsburgh and finished her anesthesia training, including a fellowship in obstetric anesthesiology, from Stanford University in California. She speaks nationally and internationally on the topic of birth trauma and the need for trauma-awareness in obstetrics and actively promotes medical “centers of excellence” in providing trauma-informed care for obstetric patients. Her hospital based work also includes involvement with quality assurance processes, education and training of nurses, residents, and medical students, and creation of specific care plans for high risk obstetric patients including those with prior sexual trauma, opioid tolerance and substance use disorders, and mental health concerns. Dr. Vogel, as part of the Perinatal Safety Initiatives, also works closely with perinatal teams educating on the recognition, management and perinatal follow-up of obstetric hemorrhage, including ongoing simulation training.