Keith Callenberg

Machine Learning Expert

Keith Callenberg is an independent consultant in machine learning and data science for healthcare and life sciences. In 2008, Keith moved from San Francisco to Pittsburgh for graduate studies at Carnegie Mellon University and University of Pittsburgh. Following PhD, he joined Interpace Biosciences to improve and develop molecular diagnostics for pancreatic cysts and Barrett’s esophagus. Keith then started a new position at UPMC leading a team developing a large-scale data analysis and reporting platform for the Molecular & Genomic Pathology lab and its ThyroSeq cancer test. In 2017, Keith transitioned to UPMC Enterprises where he managed a new team of machine learning engineers developing ML-centric applications in healthcare. At UPMC Enterprises, Keith was also responsible for technical due diligence of commercial opportunities in machine learning and artificial intelligence. He joined Thrive in 2020 to develop ML methodology, regulatory strategy and algorithm deployment for a new liquid biopsy for blood-based cancer detection. Thrive was acquired by Wisconsin-based Exact Sciences in 2021. Keith has co-authored 12 peer-reviewed articles and is co-inventor for one AI-related patent.